Colossians 3 Prayer & Declaration For Husbands

As I was reading through Colossians chapter 3 today I decided that I would take all of the verses and begin to pray and declare them over my life, everyday, for several weeks. Here’s what I prayed:

“Father, today in Jesus’ name, according to Colossians chapter 3…

(verses 1-17)
I set my focus on where Jesus is seated in heaven, and not on the things here on earth.
I am dead and my life is hidden with Christ in God.
I will share in the glory of Jesus when he is revealed to the entire world.
I put to death every sinful and evil thing lurking within me:

…including sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires; especially greed!
…I also get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior and abusive-filthy-vulgar talking.

I will not lie.
I strip off my old sinful man and put on my new spiritual man.
I clothe myself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
I make allowances for people’s faults and I forgive everyone who offends me.
Above all, I wrap myself in unselfish love.
I let the peace of Christ be the controlling factor in my heart and I am always thankful.
I let the word of Christ dwell in my heart and mind and permeate every aspect of my being.
I teach and counsel others with the wisdom that Christ gives me.
I sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God with a thankful heart.
Everything I do and say is in the name of the Lord Jesus and it’s through him that I give thanks to God.

(verses 18-25)
I will love my wife and will never treat her harshly.
I will obey my parents.
I will not aggravate my children.
I will obey my masters and will work hard, not only while they are watching, but at all times because of my fear for the Lord.
I work and give my very best effort because I’m ultimately working for the Lord, not for men.

…Thank you Jesus, amen!”

Published 8 Dec 2018

Husband, Father, Business Owner, Musician, Programmer, Designer, CreativeThinker, Jesus Lover
Allan Leonard, Jr. on Facebook